Kick-off-Congress 2021

WOMEN'S FOOTBALL - Fifty years after the legalization of women's football by the German Football Association, the number of active female footballers in Germany has been declining since 2010. Only about ten to twelve percent of active football players are women or girls. It is not only German girls' and women's football that has an image and financial problem. It does not receive the social recognition it deserves, nor is there sufficient interest to drive its professionalization through economic investment.
CONGRESS - The digital women's football congress is intended to serve the worldwide network of players in order to generate a long-term basis for increased public interest, rising spectator numbers and ultimately new sales markets that advance gender equality. The Women's Soccer Congress is intended to be an initial push for greater equity and diversity within women's and men's soccer. The congress will take place in digital form as a side event of re:publica 2021 on May 21 and 22, 2021 between 4 and 8 p.m. each day. On both days, lectures on specific women's football topics will be given by renowned speakers, panels and interviews will be held, and Q&A rounds will be held. Topics such as 50 years of women's soccer, the Corona pandemic, the economic importance of women's soccer, and sponsorship in women's soccer will be discussed.

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Bundesliga Player

Bundesliga Player

  • two days of talks/panels/interviews

Original price: 25,00 € New price: 25,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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all inclusive

all inclusive

two days all talks/panels/interviews and exclusive access to the recordings for 90 days after the conference

Original price: 45,00 € New price: 45,00 € incl. 19% MwSt.

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